Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I don't know if my heart can take.

Lawrd the world needs to learn what forgiving and forgetting feels like. They need to learn what its like to know what’s right and wrong. A child was stuffed in a trash can. That was the last place her soul rested. The last time she was able to feel that fresh intoxicating breeze of this world. I can’t being to explain how much that has weighed on my heart today. When you grow so close to the human beings of this land you can’t help but want for everyone on earth to live a fulfilling life. I wouldn’t wish death and much more on my worst enemy. Because it’s through life that you realize you faults, weakness, and strengths. Tears and pain can’t beginning to show how much pain I am in for this world. It’s hard to focuses on school and what I need to have or be doing at this age when a 17 year old child will not get to graduate from high school. It is heart breaking and honestly too much to handle. I see why the sister in the secret life of the bees took her life, it’s just too much to wake up to every day, or hear every hour.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

6 dollars

I’m not sure what I’m blogging about today. It’s just been so long and I haven’t had much to say. I heard a line on TV that I enjoyed it was “the things born from the earth, and cracked by the sun” and I smiled. Like I really like when you hear poetic lines in everyday life. I feel like if people took time to add a poetic line into every conversation then the amount of ignorance would go down.

For the first time in probably all my life I will be spending thanksgiving far away from my family. I’m going to chill it out with a new good friend AD. It’s new but I’m ready for it to happen. I feel like if you don’t get use to letting your life change then nothing new and exciting will come.

This weekend I took some time out to go swimming at the school gym and it’s crazy that more people don’t go. Because at the end of the day “its night time” ha ha but also we pay for it with tuition, so why not make the most of it. Like there is a jacuzzi in real life.

Oh and I was in a auction tonight. I only got bought for $6 by my friend Jillian. But hay at lest I don’t have to go on a strange date with someone I don’t know. And I donated to a great cause.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's cold and I love it

I forgot how much I loved this cold winter like weather. You get to put on so many layers of comfortable clothing. I went through a tub of cloths that I put away over the summer and I think I have a slight orgasm.

You know that happens by the way. My friend whose in the chemistry field at VCU said she was reading for a class and they said when women go shopping and they see a sale or something that they fall in love with, they get the same chemical release as they would if they were having a orgasm. So the next time you girls go shopping or you guys go shopping with your girls. Be aware that sales are no joke.

Any way I love sweaters and I cant wait to go back to the thrift store so I can snuggle up to a wonderful pink one or yellow. I think those are the only colors I don’t have yet.

Monday, November 8, 2010

5 star

My friends from back home be lunching

Beauty fact

I was looking at the yahoo beauty facts that they have online and I thought it interesting that the normal head weighs 8 pounds and when people sleep on their stomachs their face gets weighed down and that’s how people develop wrinkles.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Frank Morrison

I just wanted to share some wonderful art with you all.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


OK soooo my life is soaring to new heights. I got that A on my mid term in my special education class. I have had a steady B in my Spanish class, which might I add all my friends have taken because the teacher is great but they have all pasted with a D and I wasn’t sure if I should stay in the class because that D would drop my GPA down like far. But today we got our grades back from one of his exams and guess what>>>> I got B. I been getting D’s and F’s but this time I got a B. That’s some serious stuff. I basically got one of the best grades in the class. I just took my third test in my life span class so we will be crossing our fingers for that. But honestly nothing can drop this high that I have. Life is Love.

I Heart College

I really went into the library today at like 10pm and stayed till like 1am. That's some real college stuff right there i feel smart. ;)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Friends are Talented

tumblr.com is another blogging website check my friend out. I'm still better then him lls sike jk jk

Shoes for the season

This season i need to get at leaset like 5 of these shoes.
I need a suger daddy or a second job on the low.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kanye West (you got to love him)

I'm happy it worked out.

I got a A on my midterm that I was tripping off of. And I still have a chance to make it a 100 I just got to do this extra credit thing she gave out in class. I'm doing what i set out to do and that was make this test my female dog.

OMG I've Came So Far

I went back to look at my first post ever on this blog and i have to tell you i was a disturbed soul. I'm glad that i had a great friend that helped me get through that time in my life. They know who they are because I'm going to text them and say thank you for being my friend. Always and Forever. Check it out for yourself. Friday-i-had

My Eyes They See Everything

So they finally found something for security to ware instead of BLACK like everyone else at the club. UGH

My first Baby shower( AZIA y DOMINIC)

RAY flooded the place once more he he he


I decided

Im going to dye my hair this color >>>>> well
not the whole head just like an area of it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mic check one two

I know yall know I got skills on the mic, well with poetry and I haven"t been posting my poems on this blog. But wait I have been posting. It's just been on another one. Just click the link -------->   Venus & Mars

Teachers act like their shit dont stink

So for the entire reading break (fall break) at my school I was working on this midterm for one of my classes. I finished before time, sent it in like she said and thought well ill be dammed Ashley you did it you on top of your shit.

HOLD the press I was wrong so the teacher could not open the midterm. And I was about to get an F on the test luckily she emailed me again and I was able to send it to her directly.

That was a close one.