Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Today I really like really did not wanna get up.

But I did cause I'm paying for this education. Every class seemed to go by so fast. I have a class at 11 INTL, 12 UNIV, 1 STAT, then at 3 BIOL. I really just wanted it all to stop.

After my last class I went to shafer to eat lunch with a good friend

let's take a moment to talk about him, he's the cuites, nicest guy that I have meet at VCU thus far. He has not made any sexual moves on me and respects the fact that I have a boyfriend. Many other boys would have shut this joint down. But he's different he fights with me and he even let me paint his fingernail.

But any way we stayed in shafer till like 7 and he meet one of my best friends Reggie shooting starts starling.

Then my friend Rena and her room mate came over and invited me to the gym, Well they kinda told me I was going I had no choice.

I got on the elipticals (spelling by Donnie) and i stayed on for like 30 mins. Then I worked on my abs.

But yo there was like so many people in there. I think it was because of the whole new years revaluations thing. Watch by say late Feb they will be gone.

Any way I would like to take this moment to say I am tired and am so happy that I have the day off tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. i'll b one of them february niggas... n i aint kno u had a boy
