Today I had classes off and on. I’ll start with my Intercultural class. How about the teacher said that no one in the class received higher then an 84 in all 3 of her classes on her mid term. And I got a 44. I was so made because I studied so hard for that test I could tell you almost every thought that the writer had. Well see what she decides to do. Then my 12 o’clock was cancelled so I went to eat at Shafer our dinning hall at VCU and then went on to my room. Classes went on this was till 4 o’clock then I went to my room and wasted a couple of hours with Facebook. Until I went to my group moda practice. My show is coming up In April once it gets closer ill put up more information Any who they a friends showed me this girl named Devanna she is soo fierce she was on Tyra and is in a house which is like a modeling troop, hears a link to you tube if you want to watch. ( ).

Another topic I wanted to talk about was this whole little craze on Facebook with this picture of a whole bounce of friends that people tag so that you can see what your friend’s think of you…yeah it’s crazy because none of my friends have made one yet its kinda annoying.
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