Thursday, April 14, 2011

"15 theres still time for you" 100 years Five for Fighter .

Life what can you say it has its twist and turns. But I can say I’m not where I want to be for the rest of my life so I have not started looking for anything stable as of yet as in relationships. But at dinner my friend asked a question that I have not been able to get out of my head. All the while I’m suppose to be studying for this test in a few hours. But he said at this point in your life do you think you have gained any life long friends? And I really had to think for a while. Well at dinner I gave the answer of the 7 close people to me. But I can’t really say for sure that these people will be life long friends. When are you suppose to know who your life long friends are. Is there some type of application? I would guess that college is the best place to meet these people because in all the movies you see the main characters meet their friends in college be it a sorority or a fraternity or roommates what have you. So am I behind have I lost my friends or am I suppose to keep looking. Because when I was elementary I swore that the girls in my basketball team was going to be my friends for the rest of my life. Well my mom cut that short.

The only dilemma that I have with this is you never really know who your friends are until you go through life changing situations. Or sometime you have a friend that isn’t really a friend and you never really know. Like what if you have a friend and the whole while they were talking about you to another group of friends or their diary? Or what if you say you have found your life long friends but then you don’t remember to add a friend in the list then that friend will be mad. I’m going to keep thinking on this topic but I just wanted to share some of my thoughts with the web. 

100 years Five for Fighter is the song playing as I write this. 

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